Morning Blues

Isn’t it just so hard to let go of grudges at times? Don’t we all tend to ruminate the wrongdoings against us? I realized I was guilty of this a few days ago when my daughter did not listen to me in the morning before school. She ultimately was grounded from electronics because she did not want to listen. I followed through with the grounding. However, because I was hurt and took her actions personally, I kept mentioning her mistakes and bad behavior the rest of the afternoon. After another reminder of her mistake that morning, she said to me, “Mom why are you being mean?” I didn’t say anything and realized that I was being mean to my little 

girl who is ultimately just a child with bad days and good days. 

Key notes

  • Try not to hold on to a scenario and overthink it.
  • Be Quick to Forgive and Forget.
  • Lead from kindness, boundaries, and love always.

We as adults can’t control our emotional outbursts a lot of days, and we expect our children to be perfect. The Lord gave me my children to show me the practice of patience and kindness.

I didn’t realize until the next morning why my behavior occurred in the first place. I was holding a grudge because she hurt my feelings by not respecting and listening to her mom. For some reason, she woke up in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep. That’s why she was tired and acting out. Instead of being empathetic to her exhaustion, I felt she was being disrespectful on purpose. Next time I will focus on empathy and forgiveness

The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) is a great story about forgiveness to remind us of our responsibility to forgive the people in our lives. 

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