During this time of Lent, it is very traditional to give up something. Our favorite desserts, our bad habits such as drinking sodas, eating fried foods, or bad language. I challenge all of us to go a little deeper these 40 days. Try including Jesus more in your life these 40 days.
What do I mean by this? Invite Jesus to your dinner by praying before your meal to give thanks and to ask for guidance this week. Say the prayer the Our Father before bedtime alone, then with your kids, and eventually with your husband as a united family. The more you practice a habit, the less awkward it becomes. Then, just like people who go to the gym every day, it will become a habit you crave.
Find your bible and open it up. I had many years where I had up to three to four Bibles in my house sitting on the shelves. The Bible is a tool to show us how to live together and understand our lives. If we don’t open it, we cannot practice those lessons. I have always been curious about religion, but we never went to church as a family growing up. I was lacking in knowing all the stories of the Bible. One day I decided to start reading the Bible, so I started at Genesis…it quickly became overwhelmingly too much information. Many have suggested the best place to start is in the Gospels (New Testament).