Faith Journey
I grew up in a non-practicing Catholic family. Everyone was Catholic except we didn’t go to church. Well except for the occasional baptism, wedding, or funeral. Weekly Mass was not practiced at all. Sundays were for relaxation, football games, and projects around the house. I always believed in God and even the Trinity, but my understanding was weak. Religion has always been an interesting topic for me. I had friends of all different religions, and regularly checking out books about Buddhism, Christianity, and different ways of life was my college extracurricular activity. In one word, I was spiritually confused. I was missing a critical faith foundation, which I believe is a crucial component against life’s obstacles. Faith is the answer to ALL worries, angst, and general adolescent concerns.
I didn’t start practicing and understanding more about Catholicism until I was engaged to a Catholic young man – my good friend I grew up with through high school. To be married in the church I started my journey in classes, and ultimately being baptized, accepting communion, and confirming all in one special Easter Mass. Little did I know, my understanding of the faith and the purpose God has for me, is an ongoing journey of faith. It doesn’t stop at the sacrament of Communion. It is only the beginning. is a great resource to get started learning in your faith journey.
Whether you are a lifelong Catholic, a newly converted Catholic, or new to Christianity all together, we all have room for expanding our capacity for faith and trust in God.
It starts with prayer. Pray to open your heart to the word of God, so that when you go to Mass you may hear Him guide you. So many of us go to Mass because it is tradition, or what our parents told us to do. Some only attend Mass on Easter, Christmas, and family events like a Baptism. I challenge you to go to Mass each week intending to give thanks to God for the week of life you were able to experience. The good of the week, the struggles of the week, and the lessons of the week – bring it all to the Alter – and pray for thanks and ask for understanding with an open heart.